Ceralac - The Extenders Campaign


You can’t imagine what it’s like being a first-time mom.

She's probably younger than every one of us in this room but she has got a bigger responsibility than all of us put together: a living, breathing baby.

But because there is so much she doesn't know about how to raise her baby, she’s probably going to bed with a headful of unanswered questions.


We wanted to do one simple thing for this mom through our social posts. When she wakes up,
we wanted to have answers to those questions she was thinking about.

Through a series of bite-sized, info-packed, entertaining online videos, we answered the questions most moms have at the back of their minds. We wanted to help them raise their babies with a little more confidence they had than the day before, and this can't be done properly unless the person who is giving them those tips is already a second time mom.